- DSP Impairment Tables: Legislation Update
- Extension of time applications when appealing Centrelink decisions – Administrative Review Tribunal
- Help end policy-induced single mother poverty
- Improving disaster-informed Centrelink decision-making is important
- Pathway for refugees on temporary protection visas
- SSRV and the Poverty Inquiry
- SSRV Legal Assistance Line
- SSRV’s Worker Helpline
- Time limits: why they matter
- When is a couple not a couple?
- 50 years of Victorian Community Legal Centres
- A plan for a just and equitable post-COVID Victoria
- Advocating at internal reviews
- Alisha’s story: separated under one roof
- Appealing a Centrelink decision
- Are you affected by the Victorian floods?
- As the frequency of natural disasters increases, one decision could have a big impact on social security payments
- Behind the scenes of SSRV’s Integrated Financial Counselling Service
- Better responding to the needs of people affected by disasters
- Bushfires and social security: be proactive
- Centrelink debt: how did this happen?
- Centrelink has resumed debt recovery
- Centrelink is chasing welfare recipients over $32m in COVID overpayments
- Change is coming… The new Administrative Review Tribunal
- Changes to Centrelink income reporting from 7 December 2020
- Changes to COVID-19 Disaster Payments
- Changes to JobKeeper
- Changes to Parenting Payment Single: what happens next?
- Close the Gap
- Compensation Payments and Centrelink
- Debt, Duress and Dob-ins
- Delays in Centrelink processing times – what to do if your payment claim is outstanding for too long
- Demand for financial counselling services now outstripping supply
- Did you know?
- Did you know?
- Did you know?
- Did you know?
- Did you know?
- Did you know?
- Did you know?
- Did you know?
- Disability Support Pension Webinar
- Disability Support Pension: Eligibility, Challenges and Resources
- Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan
- Disaster Recovery Payment and Allowance
- Disasters and Social Security Issues in Regional Victoria
- Disasters and social security legal issues: tips for community workers and lawyers
- DSP and Mental Health
- DSP help project launched
- DSP Help project: its impact and plans for the future
- DSP Help: Florence’s Story
- DSP Help: Helping people access the Disability Support Pension
- DSP Help: leveraging the learnings
- DSP Help: Workshop for Health Professionals, Advocates and People Helping with DSP Applications
- DSP Senate Inquiry
- Economic abuse and social security
- Elder abuse and Centrelink
- Emergencies & disasters and the role of legal and public sector agencies
- End of coronavirus support explained
- Expansion of Parenting Payment Single eligibility: what happens now?
- Extreme heat, vulnerable people, and the disaster payment
- Family Tax Benefit & Centrelink Debts
- Family Violence, Family Tax Benefit, and more to be done
- Family Violence: changes to the Social Security Guide
- Financial assistance from the Commonwealth Government during COVID–19
- Financial Counselling Victoria conference: working together
- Financial counsellors rocking the boat
- Free online Community Legal Education Sessions
- Georgina Sack, Executive Assistant
- Homelessness and social security rights
- How poverty impacts people with social security issues
- Human rights and social security law
- Integrated Services Project
- International Women’s Day: how social security law unfairly affects women
- Introducing Social Security Debt Help
- Is red tape preventing women from accessing the Escaping Violence Payment?
- Join SSRV’s financial counsellor consultation group
- Legal help for people affected by disasters
- Mental Health and the DSP
- Miles Busfield, Operations and Intake Worker
- Mutual obligations requirements are back for Victorians
- New Escaping Violence Payment
- Notice of Annual General Meeting
- Outreach Report: Gippsland Farm Succession Planning Days
- Pandemic related income support from the Federal Government: important changes you need to know
- Postcards and social media tiles
- Principal Lawyer
- Reconciliation Week 2021: More than a word
- Reconciliation Week 2022: Be Brave, Make Change
- Residency Eligibility Requirements: an SSRV Worker Help Line Case Study
- Robodebt class-action settlement: impacts and options for affected people
- Robodebt notices
- Robodebt update: watch the video
- Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme: key findings
- Senate Inquiry into the Purpose, Intent and Adequacy of the DSP: Report Released
- Should I request a review of my Centrelink debt?
- Social Security Advocacy Clinic
- Social security and gender inequality
- Social security as a weapon of economic abuse
- Social Security Debt Help
- Social Security Debt Help in practice
- Social Security Debt Help: using ground-breaking technology to help the most vulnerable
- Social Security Guide amended to include ‘natural disasters’ as a special circumstance for debt waiver
- Social Security Rights Victoria supports Yes
- SSRV & Monash Law Clinics Advocacy Clinic
- SSRV and EJA successfully lobby for a disaster-related change to the Social Security Guide
- SSRV at Parliament House
- SSRV at the DSP Inquiry
- SSRV in the community
- SSRV launches new Disability Support Pension clinic
- SSRV Legal Assistance Line March 2022
- SSRV News: launch issue
- SSRV Seeking Principal Lawyer
- SSRV Staff Profile: Emily Singh
- SSRV Staff Profile: Pamela Taylor-Barnett
- SSRV Stories: Annarietta
- SSRV Stories: Ellie
- SSRV supporting regional Victoria
- SSRV visits Murrabit to engage with flood affected communities
- SSRV: The year in review
- SSRV’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan: watch the video
- SSRV’s Family Violence Project: watch the video
- SSRV’s Integrated Services Project: expanding our reach
- SSRV’s Financial Counselling Services
- Staff profile: Jenny Lawton, Community Lawyer
- Staff Profile: Eloise Cox, Community Lawyer
- Staff Profile: Graeme Parsons, Financial Counsellor
- Staff profile: Kristen Densley, Community Lawyer
- Staff Profile: Laura Jordan, Principal Lawyer
- Staff Profile: Margie Ambrose, Communications Officer
- Staff Profile: Mark Morand, project worker
- Staff Profile: Nhirushni Somasundaram, community lawyer
- Staff Profile: Peter Horbury, Operations and Information Manager
- Staff profile: Veronica Williams, Community Lawyer
- Start date announced for Administrative Review Tribunal
- Strengthening the Safety Net Bill
- Tax returns and Centrelink issues
- The ‘other’ family violence
- The Choice: violence or poverty
- The new Administrative Review Tribunal
- The Victorian Ombudsman, what do they do & how can they help?
- Transitioning to another Centrelink benefit after COVID-19 Disaster Payment ceases
- Two Online Tools Helping People Navigate Social Security Issues
- Understanding the links between bushfires and social security
- Updates to Centrelink
- Victorian bushfires 2024: be prepared
- Violence or poverty: social security is the key to reform
- We’re approaching a high-risk summer for families that rely on social security – and children are particularly vulnerable
- Welcome social security changes for single mother families
- When financial counsellors get together
- Will my DSP payments continue if I go overseas?
- Work with us at SSRV
- Your Right to Ask
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