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Centrelink debt: how did this happen?

Very few people plan to go into debt. Financial debts often creep up over time; sometimes we don’t realise we […]

The new Administrative Review Tribunal 

It’s official: the new Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) is going ahead after it passed the Australian Parliament on 28 May […]

Delays in Centrelink processing times – what to do if your payment claim is outstanding for too long

SSRV receives calls every week about delays in Centrelink processing payment claims. Often, the callers are frustrated, worried, and stressed […]

Social Security Debt Help: using ground-breaking technology to help the most vulnerable

In December, SSRV launched the Social Security Debt Help online resource located on the SSRV website, and the impact was immediately […]

Change is coming… The new Administrative Review Tribunal 

For many, the current system of appealing a Centrelink decision to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal can be intimidating and stressful. […]

Compensation Payments and Centrelink

Did You Know Compensation Preclusion Periods can only be reduced by the Secretary in ‘unusual, unforeseen or exceptional circumstances’? Maybe your […]