
Find here the latest news from SSRV.

Social security and gender inequality

At SSRV we see the many ways in which social security law in Australia disproportionately and unfairly affects women. We want […]

Staff profile: Veronica Williams, Community Lawyer

I’ve been part of the SSRV team for a while now, starting back in 2017. In that time, I’ve had […]

Pathway for refugees on temporary protection visas

In a much-publicised move, the Federal Government has announced refugees on temporary protection visas (TPV) and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas […]

SSRV and the Poverty Inquiry 

Poverty is a growing problem in Australia, with one in eight people, including one in six children, currently living in […]

SSRV Legal Assistance Line 

In 2020, when Khodar*, an Iranian refugee living in Australia, lost his job as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

Miles Busfield, Operations and Intake Worker

I first started with SSRV as a student volunteer in mid-2021 as a part of the Monash Clinical Placement Program. […]