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The ‘other’ family violence 

When Emily* reached out to a family violence centre for support to leave an abusive relationship, she told the counsellor that the […]

Financial Counselling Victoria conference: working together

After two years of attending the Financial Counselling Victoria conference online via Zoom, it was a great pleasure in September […]

How poverty impacts people with social security issues

Anti-Poverty Week is a time when we shine a light on the causes of and issues arising from poverty in […]

Are you affected by the Victorian floods?

Are you or your loved ones affected by the Victorian floods? Here’s some important information about payments and Centrelink obligations. […]

Disability Support Pension Webinar

Are you applying for DSP or are you a worker helping someone put together their application? The DSP can be […]

SSRV’s Financial Counselling Services

When Sienna contacted the SSRV Legal Assistance Line for advice, she was stressed and overwhelmed. Struggling to find a rental property for herself and […]