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Staff profile: Jenny Lawton, Community Lawyer

Sometime last century I commenced with SSRV as a volunteer member of the Board. Back then, SSRV was called the […]

Extension of time applications when appealing Centrelink decisions – Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Anyone who has contacted SSRV about appealing a Centrelink decision will know that we go to great lengths to stress the […]

Improving disaster-informed Centrelink decision-making is important

In any given year, around a quarter of SSRV’s clients are involved in a Centrelink dispute about the rate of their […]

Did you know?

Disasters can cause or worsen disputes about eligibility for social security payments​ Sam* had applied for Jobseeker payment but his […]

Time limits: why they matter

Anyone who has called our Worker Helpline wanting to appeal a Centrelink decision will know that one of the first […]

Staff Profile: Laura Jordan, Principal Lawyer

While I started at Social Security Rights Victoria in September 2021 as a Community Lawyer working on disaster preparedness, I have since moved […]