We’ve created a new resource for people with Centrelink debts and those supporting them. Social Security Debt Help has been created based on our experiences and learnings from our DSP Help website, and it’s now live and available to anyone in Australia.
Social Security Debt Help is a website that helps people better understand Centrelink debts, how they come about, and what they can do if they or someone they’re supporting has one. Centrelink debts are legal issues and it’s important to get legal advice about how to manage them. This self-help tool will assist people with debts to understand their options before they get advice, so they know what to ask and what might apply to them.
We’ll be organising a launch event in the new year, so keep an eye out for details. We’ll also be organising some training/education about Centrelink debts which could be useful for you or your clients.
You’re welcome to start using the website right away. If you’d like to chat to us about the website or your clients, please call our Worker Help Line on 03 9481 0655.
Check out Social Security Debt Help here.
Social Security Debt Help is supported by funding from the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner under the Victorian Legal Services Board Grants Program.