Income support – such as the Disability Support Pension (DSP) – can be a significant improvement to the quality of life of people who cannot work due to illness, injury or disability, but it can be difficult to access. DSP eligibility criteria is complex and success often depends on obtaining quality supporting medical evidence.
Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV) has created DSP Help to help DSP applicants and the people who support them understand what is required, how to get suitable medical evidence, and how to approach an application.
What is DSP Help?
DSP Help is a free online resource for Disability Support Pension (DSP) applicants and the people who support them, aimed at helping them understand the DSP and what they can do to improve their chances of success.
How does DSP Help work?
The DSP Help website provides information about DSP eligibility criteria, how to gather medical evidence, applying for the DSP, and what to do if an application is rejected, all in one place.
The Medical Evidence Chatbot helps applicants grapple with how their medical conditions affect them and their ability to work. It produces a personalised Medical Evidence Kit applicants can take to their doctors to help explain what they’re experiencing, and how the doctors can support their DSP application.
DSP Help is not just a website. SSRV is offering a ‘wrap around’ legal service – including advice and representation – as well. People who are unable to use the DSP Help website or need more hands on assistance can call SSRV and ask to speak to the DSP Help Lawyer.
What can I do?
DSP Help is live right now. DSP applicants and support workers can start using it right away. If you have clients, members, or associates that would benefit from this, please let them know about it or put them in touch with SSRV.
Promotional materials that can be distributed to applicants and other potential DSP Help users are available. SSRV is also offering professional development/education around the DSP, and how to get the most out of DSP Help.
If you would like to have promotional materials sent to you, to arrange for a PD session, or want to be kept up to date with this project, contact SSRV at info@ssrv.org.au, or call us on 03 9481 0299.