Disaster Preparedness & Response

DDisasters, including bushfires, floods, storms, and pandemics, are declared in Victoria between six and ten times every year. Disasters can profoundly impact people’s finances and their life circumstances. Disasters can also lead to new applications for social security payments and may also affect existing payments.

SSRV’s analysis and case work indicate that disasters can be a direct or indirect cause of disputes with Centrelink about social security payment eligibility, payment amounts, debts, mutual obligations and other administrative issues.

For example:

  • If you change your address because your home has been damaged by flood, storm or bushfire, your changed domestic arrangements may impact social security payments you are eligible for or already receiving.
  • You may become a client of Centrelink for the first time in the aftermath of a disaster and be unclear about your rights and obligations.
  • You may experience difficulty in meeting your mutual obligations due to disaster-related circumstances.

Since 2022, SSRV have undertaken project work to optimise our response to the social security legal needs of people affected by disasters, including the development and implementation of a Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan.

Our community lawyers can speak with you, or your community worker, about disaster-related social security legal issues.

We have created a series of articles and videos to raise awareness of disaster-related social security legal issues, and assist you to be more resilient to disasters, especially where your relationship with Centrelink is concerned:

Did you know? – Information about disasters and Centrelink issues

Articles about disaster preparedness and social security

Articles and videos specifically in relation to the 2023/2024 bushfire season.