Social Security Guide amended to include ‘natural disasters’ as a special circumstance for debt waiver

Last year, Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV) and Economic Justice Australia (EJA), provided a joint policy brief to the Department of Social Services, which resulted in an amendment being made to the member of a couple provisions. We wrote about these changes in our last newsletter, and you can read it here.

In addition to the member of a couple changes, the Social Security Guide has also been amended to include natural disasters as an example of ‘special circumstances’ for the purpose of debt waiver.

While JobSeeker Payment mutual obligation exemptions already existed for job seekers affected by natural disasters, for the purpose of seeking a debt waiver the Guide did not previously direct decision-makers to consider the impact of natural disasters.

SSRV advocated for this inclusion in the Social Security Guide after seeing numerous clients struggle to have their decision-maker consider the impacts of natural disasters as a special circumstance. 

As we know, the impact of natural disasters on individuals can be vast, and can entirely change their personal and financial situation. The impact of a natural disaster can significantly impact an individual’s ability to repay a Centrelink debt, as well as raise the question whether it is fair and just for the individual to repay a Centrelink debt. 

This inclusion in the Guide is a welcome change. SSRV hopes that this inclusion will assist individuals, advocates and decision-makers to have the impacts of natural disasters considered when a disaster-affected individual seeks review of a Centrelink debt.  

SSRV and EJA continue work towards work further disaster-related reform objectives and will keep readers informed of our progress.

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