Social Security Rights Victoria

Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV) is a community legal centre that provides free legal services in relation to Social Security and Centrelink matters to people across Victoria.

Legal Advice

SSRV provides free legal information and assistance in relation to social security issues to people who live in Victoria.

I need help

Support for Community Workers & Lawyers

The SSRV Worker Help Line offers free and accessible services to social, community and health workers to help support your clients with social security matters.

My client needs help

Help with Disability Support Pension

DSP Help is a free online resource that can help you understand the DSP better, and contains information about the pension, and resources to help you gather medical evidence.

DSP Help

Help with Centrelink debts

Social Security Debt Help is a free resource to help you understand Centrelink debts, your options when appealing or a reviewing a debt, as well as other information and resources.

Social Security Debt Help

Our Impact in 2022-2023

Public legal advice, information & referrals
Legal tasks & representations
Advice to professionals